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Hydration — A Key to Good Oral Health

August 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kentuckysedation @ 1:39 am
Woman drinking water, making thumbs up sign

Water is a major component of the human body. In fact, an adult male may be up to 60% water, while an adult female may be 55% water! Clearly, staying hydrated is important for overall health. It is also a key to good oral health. How can adequate water intake contribute to a strong and functional smile? This blog post explains.


How to Get Rid of Bad Breath

Filed under: Uncategorized — kentuckysedation @ 1:32 am
Woman covering mouth, embarrassed by bad breath

Bad breath happens to everyone. Whether you just ate a flavorful meal, or you woke up with a stale odor in your mouth, you might occasionally find that your breath is less than pleasant. But what if you are struggling to get rid of your bad breath? This blog post touches on some common causes of bad breath and provides practical advice to help you deal with it.
