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A Basic Guide to Oral Hygiene for Seniors

May 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kentuckysedation @ 1:30 am
Senior woman brushing teeth in front of mirror

These days, many people are able to live well into their 80s, 90s, or beyond. Unfortunately, some older folks struggle with significant dental problems. How can you prevent such issues as you advance in age? It is important that you implement smart oral hygiene practices for seniors. This blog post provides some helpful tips that can keep your smile healthy, functional, and pain-free.

Brush Twice a Day

Brushing your teeth twice a day should be a lifelong habit. Be sure to clean the backs of your teeth, the chewing surfaces, and the area along the gumline. If you have arthritis in your hands or other mobility issues, using a manual toothbrush might be challenging for you. Try using a high-quality electric toothbrush instead.

Do Not Neglect Flossing

You should strive to floss at least once a day. Doing so can remove harmful bacteria and food debris from between your teeth.

If you find it difficult to floss due to mobility problems, you could try using an oral irrigator instead. It uses a concentrated stream of water to dislodge debris from between the teeth. It is also useful for cleaning beneath bridges and other restorations.

Drink Plenty of Water

Many seniors are required to take medications that cause dry mouth as a side effect. Unfortunately, dry mouth increases the risk of cavities and gum disease. You can mitigate your risk by drinking plenty of water. Sip on it continually throughout the day to keep your mouth hydrated and clean. (Sucking on sugar-free candy can also help to combat dry mouth because it encourages saliva production.)

Care for Your Dentures

If you have full or partial dentures, you should remove them each night in order to give them a thorough cleaning. Be sure to use manufacturer-approved cleaning products and thoroughly rinse your prosthetic before you place it back in your mouth each morning. When you remove your dentures, you should also gently clean your gums.

Minimize Your Sugar Intake

Sweet treats are delicious, but they tend to contain large amounts of sugar. When sugar combines with bacteria in your mouth, it contributes to plaque formation and tooth decay. It is best to limit your intake of things like candies, cakes, soda, and other sugary substances.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Try to visit your dentist at least twice a year for a cleaning and checkup. If you have any developing oral health issues, they can be addressed as soon as possible (hopefully, before they start to cause pain or interfere with your dental function). You will also receive a refreshing cleaning that will help to prevent cavities and gum disease.

It is possible to have a healthy smile at any age! Use the above tips to protect your teeth and gums as you are navigating your golden years.

Meet the Practice

Drs. Bryan Griffith and Alex Hartgrove are proud to provide compassionate, gentle oral health services for adults of all ages. If you have questions about how to care for an older smile, our team would be happy to consult with you. Contact our Prestonsburg dental office at 606-874-9311.

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