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The Surprising Connection Between Oral Hygiene and Your Metabolism

September 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — kentuckysedation @ 3:41 am
Woman holding stomach fat, concerned about metabolism in Prestonsburg

It is common knowledge that thorough oral hygiene can reduce the risk of cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. But did you know that it can also have a positive impact on your overall wellness? Research points to a link between poor oral hygiene and poor metabolic function. Let’s talk more about how these problems are connected and what you can do to protect your health.

Oral Hygiene and Gum Disease

Missteps in oral hygiene can pave the way for an accumulation of harmful bacteria in the mouth. Those bacteria can sneak beneath the gumline and cause gum disease. At first, this infection may not seem like a major issue; it may cause a bit of swelling, bleeding, and discomfort. Without treatment, though, it can worsen. Eventually, it may reach the point where it causes gum recession, persistent bad breath, and loose teeth. In fact, it is a major cause of tooth loss among adults in the U.S.

Gum Disease and Metabolic Syndrome

Gum disease can do more than wreak havoc on an individual’s oral health; its consequences can reach far beyond the mouth. It is a risk factor for metabolic syndrome, a group of conditions that affect how the human body processes and uses energy. Metabolic syndrome is often a precursor for other health problems, including cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

How exactly does gum disease increase the risk of metabolic syndrome? The answer may be related to inflammation. Gum disease can be a major factor in chronic inflammation throughout the body. In turn, that inflammation can adversely affect virtually all of the body’s systems, including metabolism.

It is also worth noting that the bacteria responsible for gum disease can alter the gut’s microbiome (the combination of microorganisms in the digestive system). This can interfere with the function of friendly bacteria and contribute to numerous metabolic symptoms, such as elevated blood glucose levels, unwanted weight gain, and more.

Oral Hygiene Tips for a Healthier Metabolism

Protecting your oral health has the potential to benefit your overall wellness. Here are some simple things you can do to promote a clean and infection-free smile:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day — don’t forget to clean along your gumline!
  • Floss daily.
  • Sip on water throughout the day.
  • Avoid the use of cigarettes and other tobacco products.
  • Cut back on sugary foods.
  • Visit your preventive dentist twice a year for a checkup and cleaning.

Additionally, you should remain alert for signs of gum disease. If you ever believe that your gums are not healthy, visit your dentist. The earlier gum disease is detected, the easier it is to treat.

Your oral health is intimately connected to your overall well-being! A few adjustments to your oral hygiene routine may protect your metabolic function and decrease your risk of numerous health problems.

Meet the Dentists

Drs. Bryan Griffith and Alex Hartgrove work together to provide a range of general dentistry services to the Prestonsburg community, including checkups, cleanings, gum disease therapy, and more. To learn how they can support your oral and overall health, contact our practice at 606-874-9311.

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