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5 Signs Sedation Dentistry Might Be Right for You

November 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — kentuckysedation @ 1:46 am
Profile of relaxed dental patient

For various reasons, many people dislike the prospect of undergoing dental treatments. For example, they might have had a negative experience in the past, or they might have been influenced by unflattering portrayals of dentists in the media. Whatever the case, you can be sure that your dentist wants you to have a comfortable, positive experience. To help you relax, they might offer oral conscious sedation. But is sedation right for you? Here are five signs that it might be:

Dental Treatment Makes You Feel Anxious

The medications used in sedation can produce a powerful sensation of calmness and relaxation. They can alleviate or even eliminate feelings of fear and anxiety. Even some people with severe dental phobia have been able to undergo necessary treatment with the help of oral conscious sedation.

You Feel Uncomfortable in the Dental Treatment Chair

If you have a medical condition that makes it difficult for you to sit still in the dental treatment chair, sedation may be able to help. For example, some individuals with arthritis find it uncomfortable to be in the position that is required during treatment. Oral conscious sedation can reduce pain and help you to get through your appointment as easily as possible.

You Have a Sensitive Gag Reflex or Are Not Easily Numbed

If you have a sensitive gag reflex, your dental team may not be able to work as efficiently as they should, and you will feel uncomfortable throughout your treatment. Similarly, if you are not easily numbed by local anesthesia, your dental team might have to go extra-slowly to minimize discomfort. Fortunately, sedation can reduce your gag reflex and dull your response to pain, so you can complete your treatment and go home that much sooner.

You Need Multiple or Complex Treatments

Even if you have no fear or anxiety surrounding dental care, you might find yourself in a situation where you need a complex or lengthy treatment. Sedation may make the time fly by and prevent you from feeling the discomfort that can come from staying in the same position for an extended period of time.

You Do Not Have Any Contraindications

Oral conscious sedation is safe for most people, but there are some health considerations that make it risky for some individuals. For example, it may not be right for you if you are pregnant or have certain respiratory conditions. Your dental team will thoroughly screen you so they can be confident that sedation is a fit for you.

Do you think oral conscious sedation might be right for you? Talk to your dental team to learn more!

Meet the Practice

Dr. Bryan Griffith has a widespread reputation for providing comfortable dental care with the help of oral conscious sedation. He and his associate, Dr. Hartgrove, take great pride in providing a positive patient experience. If you are curious about dental sedation, our team would be happy to answer your questions. Contact Brookside Dental Care at 606-874-9311.

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